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Clarke Steele

Trust, Confidentiality and Integrity. These distinctions, together with more than 40 years of experience in the financial services industry, form the cornerstone of Clarke Steele’s success and long term relationships with clients. Clients who have complex needs, such as high-profile athletes and members of the entertainment industry, feel confident because Clarke takes a disciplined and conservative approach to investing.

As a leader in the financial services industry, Clarke began his career in 1980 following graduation from the University of Toronto. In 1991, he joined a major investment dealer where he was ranked among the top 1% of the Investment Advisors within this firm. Through his commitment to professional development, he has completed the Canadian Securities, Canadian Options and Canadian Life Insurance Courses. As a licensed Insurance Representative, Clarke is also able to provide life and disability insurance, annuities and related products.

Clarke finds solace chipping onto a manicured putting green or cutting through fresh powder. He also enjoys supporting his local community by actively raising funds for a variety of charitable organizations.


1.800.382.9280 (Toll Free Canada)
1.800.382.9280 (Toll Free US)

Photo of Clarke Steele