Luke Hannan's Story
mai 02, 2024

When you know Luke, you know our values.
Luke Hannan’s story begins in Orillia, Ontario, a small, quiet town. That’s where his parents taught him to excel, work hard and be a team player. “My parents worked hard not only at their jobs but also at parenting, which allowed my sister and me to do the best we possibly could.”
Even with lots of interests, among them music and sports, Luke had no idea what he wanted to do. “My dad suggested accounting,” says Luke with a smile, “so that’s what I did!” But after landing his first job with a major national accounting firm, Luke quickly realized he needed something more dynamic, less formulaic, more challenging.
He found it. Now a Research Analyst (Consumer Products & Retail) at CG in Toronto, Luke loves what he does. “It’s intellectually rewarding and challenging, where I’m constantly analyzing data and interacting with the best investments minds in the industry.” Better yet, he’s on a team in CG’s entrepreneurial environment. “It’s not bureaucratic,” he says, “We’re all driven by a common purpose.”
It’s fair to say that Luke is passionate about his work, but he admits, “I’m also passionate about fitness, and golf.” And he still has those small-town values: Luke has also volunteered in his Toronto neighborhood at an income tax clinic, helping under-privileged families with filing their tax returns.
In addition to his desire to help others, Luke continually strives to be the best he can be. “Five years from now, I want to be considerably smarter and wiser than I am today,” he says.
Knowing Luke’s drive, work ethic and penchant for success, that’s not going to be a problem.