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Specialist funds

We also have a range of funds which offer dedicated exposure to bonds and global equities.

The diagram below shows the different levels of risk and return for each of our specialist funds.

CG Multi asset fund range graphic.jpg

This fund is designed to generate positive total returns from a diversified portfolio of bonds, other debt securities, collective investment schemes and money market instruments, with a bias towards sterling denominated assets.

In normal circumstances, the fund will aim to deliver income in excess of the average rate achievable through a one-year cash deposit.

As well as its core sterling share class, the Canaccord Genuity Bond Fund is available in euro, Swiss franc, Australian, Canadian, Singapore and US dollar hedged share classes.

This fund is appropriate if your clients are seeking growth over the longer term.

With an equal emphasis between capital growth and preservation of capital, this fund has built a solid long-term track record by adopting an active and dynamic approach to both asset allocation and security selection.

It primarily adopts a top-down approach, with a starting asset allocation split equally between return seeking assets such as equities and more defensive securities such as government bonds and gold. The fund’s unconstrained approach to asset allocation allows the fund manager to shift the portfolio quickly, and with conviction, between alternative economic scenarios.

The fund holds multiple asset classes. Up to 65%* of its net assets may be invested in international equity markets, with investment made directly into individual securities.

This fund is suitable for clients, who have a medium investment risk tolerance.

*This percentage is indicative only and the Investment Manager may, if necessary, alter or adjust it because of prevailing market conditions.

The investment objective of the Fund is to generate capital growth by investing in an internationally diversified portfolio of regulated index tracking exchange traded and passively managed investment funds. In seeking to achieve its investment objective the Fund seeks an indirect exposure to international equity markets equal to a maximum of 60%* of its net assets. In selecting suitable investment opportunities for the Fund, the Investment Manager will adopt a static asset allocation strategy with periodic adjustments only made to return the asset allocation of the Fund to the desired Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) given market movements and/or fund flows.

The SAA of the Fund and the index and rate which will be used as references are as follows:

Fixed Interest – 32.5%

6.5% Bloomberg US Treasury Total Return Index Unhedged USD.

13% iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Total Return Index USD.

13% Bloomberg Global Aggregate Total Return Index USD.

Equities – 60%

60% FTSE All-World Total Return Index Net Tax USD (the Index).

Alternatives – 5%

5% HFRX Global Hedge Fund Total Return Index USD

Cash – 2.5%

2.5% US Secured Overnight Financing Rate Total Return USD (SOFR).

*This percentage is indicative only and (subject as provided below) the Investment Manager may, from time to time, alter or adjust such percentage in order to seek to achieve the investment objective of the Fund, having regard to prevailing market conditions.

This fund is appropriate if your clients are seeking growth over the longer term seeking to make a positive environmental and social impact, while driving and benefitting from future growth.

To achieve this, the fund will invest in a portfolio of regulated collective investment schemes and fixed interest securities that have a clear and unambiguous focus on sustainability.

The Canaccord Genuity Global Equity Fund is an actively managed fund comprising of stocks and shares in great businesses from around the world.

Managed by Canaccord Genuity Asset Management, the Canaccord Genuity Global Equity Fund utilises our in-house fund management capabilities. The aim of the fund is to generate capital growth over the long term.

The fund adopts a bottom-up approach to stock picking, seeking high-quality businesses with a competitive edge. This can be a result of market leadership, technological advantage, or strong brand recognition, which often takes years to establish and is not easy to replicate. Typically, these companies are profitable and generate positive cash flows, which they can reinvest to drive future growth.

We prefer companies that are supported by long-term structural growth drivers, whether this is the accelerated adoption of technology, increasing global wealth or a shift to more sustainable materials.

The fund looks for opportunities across the market cap spectrum provided they have a minimum free float of at least US$1.0bn. The portfolio will not be concentrated in any specific region or industry sector. It is envisaged that the portfolio will be relatively diversified, generally comprising between 50 and 100 stocks.

We take a long-term view and in theory would like to hold stocks and shares in companies for as long as possible. However, we do not adopt a buy and hold forever approach. We believe it is important to maintain flexibility so we can take advantage of opportunities when they arise. Similarly, if a company is not delivering against our expectations, we will evaluate whether it is time to sell.

This fund is suitable if your clients have a high investment risk tolerance.

Investments in smaller companies, including AIM stocks, carry a higher degree of risk than investing in more liquid shares of larger companies, so they may be difficult to sell at the time you choose. Investments in smaller companies are more volatile and, while they can offer great potential, growth is not guaranteed. 

The investment objective of the Fund is to generate capital growth by investing in an internationally diversified portfolio of regulated index tracking exchange traded and passively managed investment funds. In seeking to achieve its investment objective the Fund seeks an indirect exposure to international equity markets equal to a maximum of 97.5%* of its net assets. In selecting suitable investment opportunities for the Fund, the Investment Manager will adopt a static asset allocation strategy with periodic adjustments only made to return the asset allocation of the Fund to the desired Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) given market movements and/or fund flows.

The SAA of the Fund and the index and rate which will be used as references are as follows:

Equities – 97.5%

97.5% FTSE All-World Total Return Index Net Tax USD (the Index).

Cash – 2.5%

2.5% US Secured Overnight Financing Rate Total Return USD (SOFR).

*This percentage is indicative only and (subject as provided below) the Investment Manager may, from time to time, alter or adjust such percentage in order to seek to achieve the investment objective of the Fund, having regard to prevailing market conditions.

Important announcement

The arrangements for marketing shares of Canaccord Genuity Bond Fund, Canaccord Genuity Balanced Fund, Canaccord Genuity Opportunity Fund, Canaccord Genuity Cautious Fund and Canaccord Genuity Growth Fund (the Funds) to shareholders in Italy and France are being terminated.  Shareholders in Italy and France may redeem their shares, free of any charges or deductions. The procedure for effecting a redemption is set out in the Prospectus of Canaccord Genuity Investment Funds plc.

How to invest in our Specialist funds

You can access our funds on behalf of your clients by completing an application form from our fund literature page, through one of our CGWM relationship managers, or using a third-party life company.


Application forms

Fund literature

Find all the information you need about our funds, including their prospectus, supplement, key investor information document, factsheet and application form.

Fund literature

Our people

Photo of Siddarth Chand Lall

Siddarth Chand Lall

Fund Manager

Having joined Giles Hargreave in 2007 to work on the Marlborough Special Situations Fund, I then designed and launched the Marlborough Multi Cap Income Fund in 2011 and remain lead manager. The Marlborough Multi Cap Income Fund became the first of our funds to cross £1bn in AUM for both Marlborough and Hargreave Hale and was acquired by Canaccord Genuity in 2017.  It was ranked top in its peer group in 2013 and top quartile for total returns over one, three, five, and 10 years by the end of 2021. My expertise has always been on small mid cap stocks, but it has grown to build on my initial experience of European (including UK) equities. I have been involved with the industry panels via the QCA, helping on various consultations and as a judge for some of the smaller company awards. I am a trustee of the Oundle School Foundation and a chartered fellow of the CISI.

Visit the Canaccord Genuity Asset Management website

Photo of Will Rosier

Will Rosier

Investment Analyst

Will has a degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Bath. He works directly with Sid Chand Lall on the Marlborough Multi Cap Income Fund. He joined the Hargreave Hale investment team in September 2015.

Visit the Canaccord Genuity Asset Management website


How can we help?

If you'd like to know more about our Specialist funds or would like to know more about our services, speak to one of our team. We'll be delighted to give you more details.

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Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Our portfolios are designed to work over a typical investment cycle of seven to ten years, so we recommend you stay invested for at least seven years.

The information provided is not to be treated as specific advice. It has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person or entity.


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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.