The creation of a successful investment strategy begins by developing a thorough understanding of your personal goals, situation, and risk tolerance.
From that baseline, your Adviser can explore a range of investment opportunities with you and design a personally tailored portfolio containing a thoughtful mix of investments diversified across, and within, asset classes.
This approach can help minimise the impact of short-term swings in any one asset class and can help build your wealth and investment portfolio over the long term.
Strategic Asset Class Allocation
Asset Allocation is one of the most important decisions that investors make in relation to their investment portfolio. Empirical research has shown that when it comes to the principal determinants of investment returns, over time, the selection of individual securities is secondary to the way that assets are allocated across asset classes, such as equities, fixed interest securities and cash.
Our Investment Management Approach
Over the long term, strategic asset allocation is quite rigid. Using a tactical asset allocation approach allows investors to determine a range of percentages that they are prepared to invest in certain assets within their investment portfolio. Drawing on our extensive experience as one of Australia’s leading investment management firms, our strategic asset allocation model has a recommended benchmark asset allocation from which we then apply a valuation and tactical positioning overlay to determine the appropriate weighting in each asset class. This is tactical asset allocation. Within investment portfolios, actual asset allocations have scope to vary by up to +/-15% around benchmark allocations. The advantage of this approach is that it allows for much greater variations in portfolios between investors to suit their individual objectives.

CG Large Cap Australian Equities Portfolio
The CG Large Cap Australian Equities Portfolio is an actively managed portfolio of Australian shares that aims to generate long term capital growth and to outperform the ASX 200 Accumulation Index over rolling 5-year periods. The portfolio aims to provide investors with exposure to the shares of 15-25 high quality Australian companies, intended to act as an investor’s core allocation to Australian equities, within a broader asset allocation framework.
CG Australian Listed Income Portfolio
The CG Listed Income Portfolio is an actively managed portfolio of listed income securities that aims to achieve high income while maintaining defensive characteristics. The portfolio aims to provide investors with exposure to government bonds, corporate bonds and hybrids via a mix of investment grade securities.

CG Accolade Portfolio Service
The Accolade Portfolio Service equips you and your Adviser with the tools and information you both need to successfully collaborate on the management of your portfolio over time. Access to comprehensive and well organised portfolio data enables your Adviser to provide a premium-level investment management service, including ongoing holistic advice on your investment strategy. All this while relieving you of the administrative burden of managing your own investments.