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Our specialist service

At Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (CGWM) we offer a comprehensive estate and probate valuation service, to support both legal professionals and executors acting independently.

Our highly experienced team will provide quality advice and help you by undertaking some of the most specialist administrative tasks. We will act efficiently and quickly, bringing you the accurate information you need as soon as possible.

We'll work closely with you to provide a stress-free service for your clients, offering them convenience and reassurance at a difficult and sensitive time.

For probate purposes we can value a deceased’s investment assets as at the date of death. After that, if the beneficiaries wish, we can provide a dealing and stockbroking service to liquidate some or all of the investments, helping you with ongoing financial planning and investment management advice.

Download our estate and probate sales aid

  • Find out more about our comprehensive service
  • Read more about how we can calculate various things such as the amount of IHT due 
  • Find out more about our wider services.



How can we help?

If you'd like to know how we can help with your clients' investment needs, our experienced team will be delighted to answer your questions and provide more details of our services.

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  Our specialist wealth planning solutions

No matter how complex your clients’ finances or personal situation, we have the expertise and market-leading tools at our disposal to provide them with sophisticated and forward-thinking advice, tailored precisely to their needs.

Inheritance tax services

Expert advice on how your clients can mitigate IHT and effectively transfer wealth to the next generation.

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Comprehensive wealth planning

A full review of your clients’ finances, leading to a personal wealth management plan.

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Retirement planning

Bespoke planning, pension advice and cash flow modelling to achieve the retirement your clients want.

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Long-term care planning

Holistic advice on achieving the right financial plan to see your clients comfortably through the rest of their lives.

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How can we help?

If you'd like to know how we can help with your clients' investment needs, our experienced team will be delighted to answer your questions and provide more details of our services.

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Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Our portfolios are designed to work over a typical investment cycle of 7-10 years, so we recommend you stay invested for at least seven years.

The information provided is not to be treated as specific advice. It has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person or entity.

Keeping you and your clients informed

How much is enough when planning for retirement?

In our latest retirement planning webinar Harry Plunkett, Wealth Planner and Toby Carpenter, Wealth Planning Director shared the key things to consider when retirement planning, helping you gain clarity on your financial future.

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A rare opportunity to maximise your State Pension amount ends soon

Maximise your State Pension with a time-limited chance to buy back missing National Insurance contributions. Learn how this could boost your retirement income.

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Is cash flow modelling right for you?

How can cash flow modelling help you to make long-term financial choices with confidence? No matter what your circumstances, you will have essential costs, both certain and unexpected, to meet now and in years to come. Cash flow planning takes account of unknowns such as inflation rates, and makes assumptions, to help you look into the future.

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Want to know more?Get in touch


If you would like to know how our independent Wealth Planners, working collaboratively with legal and accountancy professionals, can help clients plan their financial future, please get in touch. We will be delighted to provide more details of our services.

Find out more about our independent wealth planning services.

Click here to read our privacy policy.


Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.