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David Goodfellow

Photo of David Goodfellow

Head of UK Financial Planning

I started my financial career as a trainee Chartered Accountant on Black Monday in 1987 and moved to the world of private client financial planning in 1990. I was an advisor for Watson Wyatt and then Hill Martin before moving to Eden Financial to start their Financial Advisers business. The Company acquired Eden Financial in 2012, and I subsequently became Head of Wealth Planning in 2015.

I specialise in both financial planning and tax driven investment planning, including advising on VCTs, EISs and investments attracting Business Relief for IHT purposes. I am a member of the Personal Finance Society and the CISI.

I have been involved in a number Wealth Planning acquisitions the company has made over the past few years and have seen our adviser team grow from approximately ten in 2019, to nearly 50 in 2023. Retaining a strong culture within the firm and ensuring our clients receive consistently high-quality advice and solutions is largely to thank for this expansion.

Location: London

A bit about me:

Aside from my work commitments, I have an active London social life; I enjoy the theatre, live music and also watching rugby or cricket whenever possible. As a family we enjoy skiing, and more recently I have loved my role as a grandfather.

What does can-do mean to me:

You could call it an ethos, an approach, or an ideology. We simply call it can-do.

To me, can-do means applying maximum effort and ambition in everything I do, both in and outside of work.


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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.