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Wealth/financial planning

Our independent wealth planners share their expertise in our educational wealth planning hub. Read more here. 

Retirement options for high income earners

In this world of ours very little stands still. The same can be said for the pensions landscape. As high earners are faced with even more restrictions and potential pitfalls, it is vital to understand the rules and seek specialist wealth planning advice. Luckily, there are plenty of tax-efficient options available to high earners wanting to save for retirement.

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Why is it important for your pension and tax planning to check if you are putting too much into your lifetime pension?

There is a limit to how much you can save into your pension tax-free over your lifetime, known as the lifetime allowance (LTA). It’s been controversial because the government has steadily reduced the limit down from £1.8m in 2012 to its current level of £1,073,100.

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Boost your pension by making use of unused pension allowance

In this article we talk about how to maximise your personal pension tax relief, check your unused pension allowance and follow the pension carry forward rules. 

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Women and investing
14 December 2020 in Wealth/financial planning, Investing

Countless surveys show women don’t invest as much as men which is impacting their future. So, what are the reasons and what can we do to encourage more women to invest?


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Post-COVID-19 wealth planning: how will COVID-19 affect women's financial prospects?
8 September 2020 in Wealth/financial planning, Investing

At Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, we want to help make financial autonomy a reality for women – even more so in this post-COVID-19 new normal. Read our article to find out more.

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Transferring wealth to the next generation – what to consider

How do you want your children or favourite cause to benefit from your wealth? How can you ensure your wishes will be fulfilled? Even if you have plans in place, are your heirs prepared? Here we explore how you can make sure your money is transferred to the next generation as you would wish.

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.