Wealth/financial planning
Our independent wealth planners share their expertise in our educational wealth planning hub. Read more here.
In this article, we look at the benefits of gifting your surplus income to family members and how this can help reduce inheritance tax.
Read our summary of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, in which we examine how the Chancellor’s announcements may impact you.
Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) and Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS) are forms of investments in smaller, early-stage startup companies. They are government-backed investment programmes that give private investors tax relief on their investments for providing finance for these companies to grow.
Last month, Investment Director Natalie Brown sat down with Connect magazine to discuss her life at CGWM, the changing face of investment management, and how she balances a successful career with a busy family life.
Earlier this month, our experts Tom Becket, from the Chief Investment Office, and David Goodfellow, Head of Financial Planning, took to the stage to represent CGWM at the FTWeekend Festival.
We have always encouraged our wealth planning clients to include provisions for long-term care in their plans. This might be in a care home, but we have found that, since the pandemic, many people now prefer the idea of being looked after in their own homes.
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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.
Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.