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Wealth news and insights

Our news and insights hub covers a variety of key topics from the investment world such as retirement and pension planning, wealth and tax planning, ESG investing, investment market updates and the latest global economy and market news. You can sign up for our latest wealth management news if you would like to receive regular financial insights from our experts. 

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Wealth planning: will you be able to afford rising care home costs?

Although we all know the cost of care in later life could be significant, few people realise the true extent of care home costs, nor do they adequately plan how to pay for them. Having a comprehensive wealth strategy in place can ensure you are financially prepared should you require long term care in the future.

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Why healthcare and infrastructure sectors are still key portfolio components
13 February 2024 in Investing, Latest market updates

Both healthcare and infrastructure stocks had a mediocre 2022 and, for the most part, a difficult 2023. However, we’re pleased to say we believe the case for investment in both remains almost entirely as strong as it was before the period of poor performance.

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How can investing in AIM shares help to manage inheritance tax (IHT)?

Investing in certain shares listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) could be a useful way to manage inheritance tax (IHT). Find out more.

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Webinar: balancing investment risk with opportunities in 2024

In our latest market update, our Co-Chief Investment Officers came together to discuss their thoughts on the ever-evolving global economy, the key events of 2023 and where they believe the key investment opportunities lie in the new year.

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Financial planning for divorce: protecting your money
11 January 2024 in Wealth/financial planning

It's important to protect and manage your finances in a divorce. We explain the role of a financial planner in divorce and how we can help.

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Take the long view: why staying invested is better than moving to cash
2 January 2024 in Investing

In the current climate of higher interest rates, CGWM’s Investment Director Harry Schofield examines why we think staying invested is still the best way to make returns – especially for those looking to invest for the long term.

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Wealth management updates

Canaccord Genuity Group

We're part of Canaccord Genuity Group Inc., a publicly traded company under the symbol CF on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Established in 1950, it is now a leading global financial services firm, operating in wealth management and capital markets.

The Group has offices in 10 countries, including wealth management offices in the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Canada and Australia. Canaccord Genuity; our international capital markets division, operates in Canada, the US, the UK, France, Ireland, Hong Kong, China, Australia and Dubai.

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.